Cemetery Sexton

Molly Wadsworth

Phone: (330) 866-3433 ext. 100

Cemetery Fee Schedule

Service Type

Twp. Resident Rate

Non-Resident Rate

Purschase Lot

$600 Per Space 

$900 Per Space

Full-Burial Opening/Closing 

$900 Per Burial

$900 Per Burial

Cremation or Infant Burial

$400 Per Burial

$400 Per Burial

Double Cremains Burial

(2-Sets in One Urn) $600.00

(2-Sets in One Urn) $600.00

Saturday's & Holiday Rate 

Normal Rate + $200

Normal Rate + $200

Late Burial (after 2:30 pm.)

Normal Rate + $250

Normal Rate + $250

Disinterment or Re-Interment



Deed Fee



Service Type

Twp. Resident Rate

Non-Resident Rate

Purschase Lot

$600 Per Space 

$900 Per Space

Full-Burial Opening/Closing 

$900 Per Burial

$900 Per Burial

Cremation or Infant Burial

$400 Per Burial

$400 Per Burial

Double Cremains Burial

(2-Sets in One Urn) $600.00

(2-Sets in One Urn) $600.00

Saturday's & Holiday Rate 

Normal Rate + $200

Normal Rate + $200

Late Burial (after 2:30 pm.)

Normal Rate + $250

Normal Rate + $250

Disinterment or Re-Interment



Deed Fee



Pike Township Cemetery Regulations

  • Between November 1 and April 1, all funeral and burial services at Melscheimer Cemetery must take place inside the Melscheimer School House. No graveside services are permitted during this time.
  • No person may discharge any firearm or have possession of any firearm within the cemetery grounds at any time except for use during military services, Memorial Day or Veteran Day observations, or use by law enforcement personnel.
  • No person shall wrongfully take, remove, or convert to his own use any property within the cemetery without the owners consent or make any excavation therein without first obtaining the consent of the cemetery sexton.
  • No person may wrongfully obstruct or blockade any driveway or pathway within the cemetery or wrongfully damage or destroy any property within the cemetery.
  • No person may drive any motor vehicle at a speed in excess of five miles per hour within the cemetery and such vehicles must confine their travel to established roadways except where the cemetery sexton expressly authorized such travel elsewhere.
  • No person shall disturb the dignity, peace, and quiet of the cemetery by the use of excessive noise or boisterous and unruly conduct within the limits of the cemetery.
  • No person shall enter or leave the cemetery except through established gateways provided for such purpose. No person may allow any animal to run at large in the cemetery.
  • No person may loiter at any time, nor be in the cemetery without permission of the cemetery sexton at any time between the hours of sunset and 6:00 a.m.
  • No person may use the cemetery grounds or any road therein as a public thoroughfare nor drive any vehicle in or upon the cemetery grounds except for legitimate purposes relating to the ordinary and customary use of the cemetery.
  • Concrete or steel vaults of a design approved by the township trustees are required for all burials other than cremations.
  • No trees or vines may be planted, nor may fences be erected. The Township reserves the right to remove any tree, shrub, vine, plant or flower which may become unsightly, dangerous or not in keeping with the landscape design of the cemetery.
  • All monuments and markers shall be set true to line and grade. The lot owner is responsible for any failure to abide by this regulation and shall pay for any charges or damages.
  • Flowers to be placed at base of upright monuments, not to extend more than 12 inches in front of monument.
    • Fresh flowers to be placed in receding vases in Flush Stone Area.
    • All lots to be cleaned three (3) days after Easter.

    Pike Township Monument & Foundations Regulations

    • Pike Township only allows monuments and markers to be ordered from full service monument companies to ensure proper delivery and installation.
    • Stones should NOT be delivered to the cemetery without prior notification from the township that the footers are ready and the stones can be set.
    • The current rates for all foundations are as follows: (subject to change from time to time) $.80 per surface square inch for concrete foundations; minimum charge of $155.00. / $1.00 per surface square inch for special pouring of foundations; minimum charge of $220.00 / $150.00 flat rate for all flush/grass markers in Hilltop Section, installed on sand.
    • All stones in the Old Section and New Addition Section of Melscheimer Cemetery, Bowman, Asbury, Oak Grove and Zion Church Cemeteries, will have concrete foundations.  Concrete foundations will have a 3” (3 inch) border on all sides and be 30 inches deep and the size limits are: Single monument or marker will not exceed 12” x 24”Double monument or marker will not exceed 12” x 50” Triple monument or marker will not exceed 12” x 66”

      Upright monuments are limited in height to 30” above foundation.

    • Types of stones permitted in the Melscheimer Hilltop Section varies.  Most of the Hilltop is flush markers only, but some lots are permitted upright monuments.  Please contact the cemetery sexton regarding placement of monuments.
    • All correspondence should be addressed to Pike Township and mailed to the township P. O. Box  to the attention of the Cemetery Sexton.  Any questions can be also directed to the Pike Township office at  (330)  866-3433, or by email to pikeoffice@piketownship.com

        Pike Township Cemetery Data

        Each of the 11 cemeteries that Pike Twp. maintains are listed below.  Click the corresponding button to view the location and genealogy data that has been collected for each cemetery.  This data will be updated each year with the most current burials.

        Contact Us Today


        Township Hall Located

        7134 East Sparta Ave S.W.
        Magnolia, Ohio 44643

        Mailing Address

        P.O. Box 434
        East Sparta Oh 44626-0434


        Phone: (330) 866-3433

        Fax: (330) 866-3430

        Twp. Garage: (330) 866-3288


        Township Office Hours

        Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday's

        By Appointment Only

        6 + 3 =