Melscheimer Cemetery

Cemetery Location

Contact Cemetery Sexton

Molly Murphy

Phone: (330) 866-3433 ext. 100

Melscheimer Cemetery Rules

Between November 1 and April 1, all funeral and burial services at Melscheimer Cemetery must take place inside the Melscheimer School House. No graveside services are permitted during this time.

Cemetery Fee Schedule

Service Type

Twp. Resident Rate

Non-Resident Rate

Purschase Lot

$600 Per Space 

$900 Per Space

Full-Burial Opening/Closing 

$900 Per Burial

$900 Per Burial

Cremation or Infant Burial

$400 Per Burial

$400 Per Burial

Double Cremains Burial

(2-Sets in One Urn) $600.00

(2-Sets in One Urn) $600.00

Saturday's & Holiday Rate 

Normal Rate + $200

Normal Rate + $200

Late Burial (after 2:30 pm.)

Normal Rate + $250

Normal Rate + $250

Disinterment or Re-Interment



Deed Fee



Contact Us Today


Township Hall Located

7134 East Sparta Ave S.W.
Magnolia, Ohio 44643

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 434
East Sparta Oh 44626-0434


Phone: (330) 866-3433

Fax: (330) 866-3430

Twp. Garage: (330) 866-3288

Township Office Hours

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday's

By Appointment Only

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